Cheaper Botox That Lasts Longer?

Pretty Ripe | Volume 44 - Cheaper Botox That Lasts Longer? - Jeuveau

It's been called "the new tox on the block." Um, okay. Jeuveau--a rival to Botox that was approved by the F.D.A. in 2019--is a neurotoxin that, in essence, paralyzes your facial muscles to stall the formation of wrinkles. You already knew that was how it all went down, right? To incentivize consumers, Jeuveau is priced at 20% to 30% less than Botox--and you can even find a $40 off rebate from the company behind the injectible. Some studies hint that this new toxin lasts a month or so longer than Botox. The jury is out on that claim, so talk to your dermatologist for more details. Read more about Jeuveau, (rhymes with, "hello") here.

BeautyMonica Corcoran