Anti-Aging Is Dying So Lay Off!

Pretty Ripe | Volume 45 - Anti-Aging is Dying, So Lay Off!

I'm so tired of the rhetoric about "anti-aging" and "reclaiming our youth." Women age. Men age. (Even Cher knows you can't turn back time.) That's not to say that we shouldn't take care of our skin or get Botox or wear bikinis. But the beauty industry needs to quit scaring women about getting older. Ten years ago, research firm NPD reported that fewer than 20% of women between 18 and 24 worried about wrinkles; now, 57% of Millennials say they fear the physical signs of aging. This is a vicious cycle we need to end now. Ageism is born out of fear. At this point, who hasn't lost someone--likely a parent or a sibling or a dear friend? A birthday is a gift, not a tragedy.

BeautyMonica Corcoran